Open F2F Class Notes_25th May (Harmony) [1]

1: Vocabulary: last story retell, free talk new topic + new vocabulary


Homework: from school 

Housework: chores


Consumer needs

When you buy something in daily life, do you think about if it is realistic for you? So today let’s talk about consumer needs, there are two kinds of needs realistic needs and emotional needs.

Of course, we need to buy any realistic products which we really need, but frequently we buy unnecessary products. I think we need to know what factors influence us. The real reason is the brand client wants to find an emotional way to educate the customer to buy it. Through an emotional way, consumers can realize that the product can make their life better, it will increase their life quality. Life quality includes safety, happiness and respect, which the consumer wants to pay money for.


Consumer Needs

There are two kinds of consumer needs, one is emotional needs, another is realistic needs.  We need to pay the money for the realistic products which we really need it.  I think we need to know what kind of factors will influence us when we buy some unnecessary products. The real reason is the brand client wants to through the emotional way to describe their products and affect their product purchase.  Through an emotional way consumers, the client wants the consumer know when the customer buy those products it will made their life better.  Included in safety happiness and respect. 


There are two kinds of consumer needs, one is emotional needs, another is realistic needs.  We need to buy the realistic products which we really need.  I think we need to know what kind of factors will influence us when we buy some unnecessary products. The real reason is the brand client wants educate customers through an emotional way to affect their product purchase.  The brand client wants the consumer to know when they buy those products it will make their life better.  Which is including: safety, happiness, and respect. 

Social plan

Recently, my client want to us prepare one social plan, which is a part of one digital campaign, this campaign need to spread the brand -lifebuoy and its benefit- more effective to protect customers.

I think about it those days, how can I plan it ? What is the interesting and relevant content ? My head has become 2 heads. So maybe I should come back to “what is social? More and more people will share their thinking to other people via many social platforms like Weibo ,wechat, and Facebook and so on. We can sharing any pic and interesting thing on it , some contents will became hot topic and more people will participate to talk about it . Because those content is interesting for them.

So I need to find that what kind of content is interesting for our TA, and though funny way to say this content , also we need some KOLs(influential people) to help us share this content , which Kol have more influence. I will try again , oh tomorrow is target deadline.