Open F2F Class Notes October 23rd (Ben)

the venue = the place where an event takes place

The venue of the party was a big hotel.

decorate 装饰

We didn’t decorate anything for the celebration.

a surprise party 惊喜派对

We didn’t warn her beforehand because it was supposed to be a surprise party.

an attendee = someone who attends an event

The attendees were my parents, my wife and me.

intimate ç§å¯† = small, not public, creating close relationships between people

The party was very intimate, we were very few people.

Parents used to show us everything. Now, it’s the opposite and the roles are reversed.

a tactic 战略,策略

Sometimes, you need to use brain tactics with your ageing parents.

stubborn 固执 = who doesn’t change his mind easily

When parents age, they sometimes get stubborn.


My mother’s birthday

Next Tuesday is my mother’s birthday. We don’t want to celebrate her birthday in a work day evening because it will be a little bit hurry. So we brought forward the birthday party today.

We invited my parents to have a lunch in our apartment instead of telling them to attend a birthday party, so my mother was so surprised and excited when we brought a birthday cake in front of her.

It is interesting that when you reach some age, all of a sudden, you find the role of parents and us are reversed. We have to teach them how to use new thing, just like they used to show us everything. Also, when parents age, they are getting stubborn. The way you communicate with them should be more indirect, just like they used to try to tell us what we can do and what we can’t do in a gentle way.

After the dinner, my parents helped us clean the smoke exhaust, although I told them again and again that they didn’t need to do that. They said all they wanted to do is to help us to do something. That’s the difference of the relationship of parents and children between western and eastern. As I know, parents in western normally leave hands from their children after children graduating. However, parents in China, prepare everything for their children, ranging from work to marriage, even after our marriage, they still want to do something for us.

I don’t want to them to do too much for us, but I still appreciate with their dedication to us.


My mother’s birthday

Next Tuesday is my mother’s birthday. We didn’t want to celebrate her birthday on a work day evening because it will be a little bit hurried. So we brought forward the birthday party to today.

We invited my parents to have a lunch in our apartment instead of telling them to attend a birthday party, so my mother was so surprised and excited when we brought a birthday cake in front of her.

It is interesting that when you reach some age, all of a sudden, you find the role of parents and children get reversed. We have to teach them how to use new things, just like they used to show us everything. Also, when parents age, they get stubborn. The way you communicate with them should be more indirect, just like they used to try to tell us what we could and couldn’t do in a gentle way.

After the dinner, my parents helped us clean the smoke exhaust, although I told them again and again that they didn’t need to do that. They said all they wanted to do was to help us to do something.

That’s the difference between the relationships that Eastern and Western parents have with their children.

As I know, parents in the West normally drop their children’s hand after they graduate. However, parents in China prepare everything for their children, ranging from work to marriage, and  they still want to do some things for us even after our marriage.

I don’t want to them to do too much for us, but I still appreciate with their dedication to us.