F2F Class notes 9th September (Eddie)

an invitation =

I’ve been invited =

to invite =

to extend an formal invitation = a formal way to describe the fact that an invitation was made

everybody can’t stay at home =

tourist attractions = the places that tourists are most interested in visiting

to be put off by something = to be discouraged

The harder I work, the luckier I get.

The more, the better.

sophisticated =/= unsophisticated


He was a very sophisticated traveler and knew exactly how many bottles of whiskey he would be able to carry, what the best seat on a 747 was, how to talk to the flight attendants, and so on. His cousin was the exact opposite, a simple country boy who drank Listerine on his first night in the city, because he said its smell reminded him of his grandfather’s living room.

vigilant adj = alert, careful, aware

I haven’t booked anything else yet.

Knee Deep – Zac Brown Band