Open F2F Class Notes 8th August (Raph)

partnership (n): 1- an association of two or more people or companies to work together in a project as partners.

A bunch of bananas.

I’ve been in Shanghai for a month.
I came to Shanghai a month ago.

metro = subway = MTR = underground


There are so many advertisements in my country, they show up in various ways in our lives, and sometimes we don’t even notice it.For example, the actress who is in our favorite show just hold some products that is advertising, and we probably want to get one for her hands. Frankly, there are so many high quality advertisements that we could enjoy watching them nowadays, some of them are funny, some of them are joyful, but not all of them could pleased us. I used to did a job which was a part of advertisement industry.


There are so many advertisements in my country, they show up in various ways in our lives, and sometimes we don’t even notice them. For example, the actress who is in our favorite show just holds some products that is being advertised, and we probably want to get one from her hands.There are so many high quality advertisements that we can enjoy watching nowadays, some of them are funny, some of them are joyful, but not all of them can please us. I used to have a job which was a part of the advertisement industry.