Open F2F Class Notes 5th Aug (Harmony)



Portion (pore – shun)



Monopoly: (noun) exclusive control of a commodity/service in one market.  Exclusive control/possession.

Intrusive:  tending to intrude without invitation.

back and forth”: goes from one person, then back to the other.

  • Conversation
  • Project
  • Proposal

Seeing a lot of back and forth = they saw the problem (which was the back and forth)

Curated:  selected/ pulled together (such as music or website content.)

Section:  part/page on the website/ part of the website.

“stretched thin/spread thin”:  when you have too much work and not enough people/help.

(think about toast and jam example.)

  1. I’m feeling really thin = they’re overworked.

Eg.  I’ve been stretched thin/ we’re spread thin today = we don’t have enough staff.

to crack:  to solve.

Eg.  The bank safe was impossible to crack.





These days, retailers are having a tough time. Whatever supermarkets, or department, or traditional shopping mall, most of them have closed a lot of shops in last year. On the other side of the coin, there are many new style shopping mall, which is fusion of art, fashion, restaurants and entertainment, gather more traffic than old school department.

People want to get more service, entertainment and most important, enjoy the time with friends and families in one shopping mall, rather than just shopping.

It’s time for old department to change their thoughts and strategies about retail and adapt with the changing times to meet customers’ real needs. Maybe it’s their last chance to make a success.





These days, retailers are having a tough time. No matter if they are supermarkets, or department stores or traditional shopping malls, most of them have closed a lot of shops last year. On the other side of the coin, there are many new style shopping malls, which are a fusion of art, fashion, restaurants and entertainment, which attract/gather more traffic than old school department stores.

People want to get more service, entertainment and most importantly enjoy the time with friends and families in one shopping mall, rather than just shopping.

It’s time for old department stores to change their thoughts and strategies about retail and adapt with the changing times to meet customers’ real needs. Maybe it’s their last chance to be a success/ be successful.   — west Edmonton mall.