Open F2F Class Notes 30th June (Peter)


Chen will be later 20 minutes- Chen will be 20 minutes late

Just now I did dramatic things – just now, I made a big mistake

I send out – I sent out

I forgot to check the members on the email – I forgot to check the recipients of the email

I should to say – I should say
There are no people reply me –
no one has replied to me

I got your means – I get what you mean

Unnormal – unusual



Recipient – a person who receives

Literal – true or original

Ex. The literal meaning of the word “drama” is anything having to do with acting, but the way that most people use the word is to talk about a fight.

Negate – to make negative (verb)

Athlete – 运动员


When we negate a verb, it’s more common to add “do not” in front of it, rather than “not” after it.

Ex. The word “needn’t” sounds much more formal than “don’t need.”

When we use the verb reply, it must be followed with the word “to.”


The meaning of the words drama and dramatic. Drama usually refers to a fight, and the word dramatic means “excessive.”


Recipient (rih-SIP-ee-ints)

When the last letter of one word sounds similar or exactly the same as the first letter of the next word, we connect the pronunciations.

Ex. “I want to” is pronounced “I wantu”

Ex. “He replied to me” is pronounced “he repliedtu me”

Surfing (SIR-fing)

Suffering (SUH-fur-ing)


The BanFu mountain film festival

This year is the third year, we want to see this festival, which is a sport film. There are much kinds of unusual sport you can see from the festival. Such as Skiing skydiving climbing canoeing etc.These actors are very professional, and even this is their career.

I think there are two reasons why we love it , one is these sport we are looking for ,but we don’t have found the suitable opportunity to try. Another one is to complete these actions are very difficult, it is need to exercise more and more times. This is test to willpower. It is a break for us, to learning from it, to training our mind.looking forward to this Saturday.


The BanFu mountain film festival

This year is the third year we want to go see this film festival. There are many kinds of unusual sports you can see at the festival. Such as Skiing, skydiving, rock climbing, canoeing, etc. These athletes are very professional, and their sports are even their careers.

I think there are two reasons why we love it, one is that we would like to try these sports, but we haven’t had the opportunity. Another one is to complete these actions is very difficult, it requires a lot of training, it tests willpower. It is a break for us, to learn from it, to train our minds…looking forward to this Saturday.