Open F2F Class Notes 29th December (Tony)


Grammar Rules to never break:

  1. Singular or plural, Person, or people, chair or chairs
  2. He/She
  3. Possessives – belonging to   Miya’s coffee , An italian coffee (a style of coffee from italy) , an italian’s coffee (an italian person’s drink)


Nuance – a subtle difference or distinction in expression, meaning, response, etc.

eg: “The nuances of grammar are extremely confusing.”

Original –

At the first time, I think if someone can come up with good ideas, then they can be succeed like everyone else on YouTube.
But as I know, the most successful youtubers ( I mean someone who can get large amounts of money for making videos on YouTube) , few of them are intelligent and have something smart to say. It’s not something that would make them particularly famous on Youtube.
I find that if someone make a video just in order to entertain people, that will be much more popular. It’s so sad, people tend to find something interesting instead of learning more stuff from internet.

Correction –

At first, I think if someone can come up with useful ideas, then they can succeed like everyone else on YouTube. But it seems like among the most successful youtubers ( I mean someone who gets paid a lot for making videos on YouTube) , few of them are intelligent and have something smart to say. Educational videos are not something that would make them particularly famous on Youtube. I find that if someone makes a video just to entertain people it will be much more popular. It’s so sad, people tend to find something interesting instead of learning more useful stuff from internet.