Open F2F Class Notes 27th March (Raph)


Disorganized (adj): 1- badly planned and without order.
E.g.: The whole conference was totally disorganized – nobody knew what they were supposed to be doing.

Original (adj): 1- existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something. Different from anything or anyone else and therefore special and interesting
E.g.: Is this the original fireplace?

Effective (adj): 1- successful or achieving the results that you want.
E.g.: She’s a very effective teacher.

Efficient  (adj): 1- working or operating quickly and effectively in an organized way.
E.g.: The city’s transport system is one of the most efficient in Europe.


(Original – Edited)

The westerner is not scared of cold. – Westerners are not scared of the cold.

In winter you can saw a westerner wear short pants. – In winter you sometimes see westerners wearing short pants.

I have been worked at this company for four years. – I have been working at this company for four years. 

Writing exercise


In the past few days, a idea about change my job have been thinking. I want to look for a job to learn how do can be a barista. It can be my skill for survival. The question is I don’t have enough time to do it, maybe After I start my traveling, I will do this job for two months. If I don’t use it as my work, that time can be my interesting experience.


In the past few days, I have been thinking about an idea on how to change my job. I want to learn how to be a barista, because I think that can be a good survival skill. The problem is, I don’t have enough time to do it, so maybe After I start traveling, I will do this job for two months. If I don’t use that skill as my work, that time can be an interesting experience.