Open F2F Class Notes 21st December (Raph)


Halfway (adv): 1- in the middle of a period of time or in the middle of the way.
E.g.: We are halfway through the week.

Complex (adj): 1- something that has many parts or aspects and is usually hard to understand or deal with.
My boss gave me a very complex task.

Advanced (n): 1- far on or ahead in development or progress.
E.g.: Even though technology is very advanced, sometimes computers still fail us.

Statistics (n): 1- 统计


I refreshed some files. – I updated some files.

I needed connect the system. – I needed to connect to the system.


Complex: \ˈkäm-ˌpleks\

File: \ˈfī(-ə)l\

Writing exercise


Today is Winter Solstice. From meteorological terms, today is the shortest and coldest day in the full year. However, due to global warming, the day has not the coldest. There is a traditional culture on the Winter Solstice in China. That is the northerner eat dumplings and southerner eat Tangyuan. What do you want to eat, dumplings or Tangyuan?


Today is Winter Solstice. In meteorological terms, today is the shortest and coldest day of the year. However, due to Global Warming, the day was not really cold. On the Winter Solstice, there is a cultural tradition in China that says that northerners should eat dumplings and southerners should eat Tangyuan. What do you want to eat, dumplings or Tangyuan?