Open F2F Class Notes 20th July (Jesse

we knew sth abt each other got to know 

I’ve got to do = i have to do = not my choice
I’ve got married recently = became
I’ve got lots of money = have
I got to work at 10 today = arrived 

tv show = use this for anything on tv that’s not a movie
tv series = lots of episodes
short term series / tv special = a limited number of episodes
reality tv show = a show based on real people in real situations
documentaries = educational content
movie = a feature length show (1-3 hours)
advertising = everything in between

I had a meeting this afternoon which was about training.Most of us were not interested in it because it was full of different kinds of boring forms such as applying for a business trip,for borrowing a computer from company and the model of writing PPT.Too much restrictions makes us unhappy.

I had a meeting this afternoon which was actually more like a training session. Most of us were not interested in it because it was full of different kinds of boring forms such as applying for a business trip, to borrow a computer from work and the template for writing a PPT. Too many rules & regulations make us unhappy.

work = what you do at the office, and the office you do it at.
eg. I am working all day at work on my work 

to do (verb)
for sth (noun)