Open F2F Class Notes 15th November (Raph)


Potato chips (n): 1- a thin slice of potato fried or baked until crisp and eaten as a snack.
E.g.: We went to the supermarket and bought some potato chips.

Biscuit (n): 1- a small quick bread made from dough
E.g.: We had some delicious chocolate biscuits.

Persistent (adj): 1- continuing to do something or to try to do something even though it is difficult or other people want you to stop.
E.g.: Being persistent is very important when learning a new language.

Admire (v): 1- to feel respect or approval for (someone or something). 2- to look at (something or someone) with enjoyment
E.g.: I really admire her persistence.

Admirable (adj): 1- deserving to be admired : very good
E.g.: She is a very admirable woman.

Brave (adj): 1- feeling or showing no fear : not afraid
E.g.: We need to be brave and keep going.



Today was Double 11, I thought the popular topics were what did you buy and how much did you spend? The ladies should be very crazy and most of them went to sleep over midnight last night, of course included me. This morning when I came into the office, I found that there were only a few people. They talked about the products they bought and exchanged the promotion information of which product was much cheaper.


Today is Double 11, so the most popular topics  of the day are “what did you buy” and “how much did you spend?”. The ladies always go crazy during this holiday and most of them, including me, went to sleep after midnight last night. This morning when I came into the office, I found that there were only a few people there. They talked about the products they bought and exchanged promotional information about which products were the cheapest.

(Original – Edited)

I can used to it. – I can get used to it.