F2F Class Notes 15th November (Raph)


Practice (v): 1- to do something again and again in order to become better at it.
E.g.: She tries to practice everyday, so she can improve her English.

Polite (adj): 1- having or showing good manners or respect for other people
E.g.: She is a very polite girl. She always says “thank you” and “please” and always respects other people.

Impolite (adj): 1- not polite.
E.g.: It is very impolite to do that.

Rude (adj): 1- someone who doesn’t have or show concern or respect for the rights and feelings of other people: not polite
E.g.: He was a very rude boy, so she didn’t like him.

Disgusting (adj): 1- something that is really not nice. 2- so unpleasant to see, smell, taste, think about, etc., that you feel sick.
E.g.: This food looks disgusting.