Open F2F Class notes 13th August (Eddie)

mixed feelings = I’m not sure if I like it or hate it


I have mixed feelings about going to Thailand this summer. (I want to but it’s expensive).

to sit / to be on the fence = to not be able to make a decision, to still be evaluating options

E.g. A lot of people are still on the fence about Hillary and Trump.

jury =

the jury is still out on this issue = it is not known whether something is one way or another


A: Is vaping harmful to the body?
B: Well, the jury is still out on this one. (it is not known yet)

kale = a vegetable similar to cabbage

to cheat = to play unfairly

Shopping on taobao is getting more and more popular today. From 5-years old chilldren to 70-years old grandmothers, they all heard about taobao, and perhaps some of them are enjoy shopping on taobao, of course, including me!

Shopping on Taobao is getting more and more popular today. From 5-year old children to 70-year old grandmothers, they all heard about Taobao, and perhaps some of them are enjoying being able to order all kinds of stuff from the comfort of their living room sofas. I know I do!