Open F2F 3rd August (Eddie)

numb adj =

funny = interesting / peculiar / odd

cannibal n = a person who eats another person

Two cannibals were eating a clown. Suddenly, one cannibal turn to the other and says: “Does this taste funny to you?”

cannibalize v= (of a product) to affect sales of a product due to similarities

literal meaning =                  exactly what it means

figurative meaning =          what we make it mean

wall =

1. The wall was white and thick.  (an actual wall)

2. Sandy felt like she hit a wall. (Sandy can’t go on, there is no actual wall.)

I always feel time is too short to do anything,time for sleeping,learning,entertaining,but not for working. I guess I have too many hobbies and get more and more ambitious . I want to develop my English and pass the IELTS. I want to read more different books to enrich my life. I want to spend more time with my family and friends,sharing our lives to each other. And after all I really need more time to get sleep.but none of these will be enough.

I always feel time is too short to do anything, not enough time for sleeping, not enough time for learning, entertainment, but there always seems to be enough time for work. I guess I have too many hobbies and get more and more ambitious. I want to improve my English and pass the IELTS. I want to read more different books to enrich my life. I want to spend more time with my family and friends, sharing our lives with each other. And last but not least, I need more time to get sleep. But it feels like there is never going to be enough time for all this.

Jimmy Buffett – Overkill

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb