Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

taxi and didi are the most common transportation for you

in my view / in my opinion … I feel it is ok for me especially this year because I have not been there for a long time.
Not only for parties but also for shopaholics / shopping

I often window-shop because I need to overcome my shopping desires / I need to control myself.
If I shop online I usually buy some daily stuff including daily stuff for my pet.
it is easy there is no need for you take it out everyday / to walk it everyday
You can keep it in its’ cage and just give it water and food.
It likes to bite because it’s molar are growing

if they didn’t grind their teeth would be too long

I will buy some apple tree branches to let them grind their teeth otherwise they bite everything they can bite.
Also last night I bought a new water bottle.

they can live around 15 years but most would die from accidents so I think the average is 8 or less. / their lifeexpectancy is about 8 years
During their life they will have different owners.

If I go to other cities for business trip I worry  there may not be enough food or water for them. Especially if my trip is long

her eyes were hurt so I took her to the vet and the vet told me the price is 800/night.
it includes cats/dogs

there is no need to take it out so it is safe . / walk it

I can’t take it on a high speed train
If I want to take it to my hometown it is hard to find someone who comes from the same city as me

one young couple has a baby and the golden retriever likes to look after the baby.

It can be divided into 2 situations. / there are 2 kinds of cases
If the woman is pregnant the parents would be worried that their fur would come into the woman’s body -> she may ingest their fur when she breathes.
And if the baby is born they would worry about this pet hurting the baby.

some older generations would worry about this.

Golden retrievers are less common.

many people like their appearance/outlook

you will pay less money for their food -> you will spend less on their food


to ingest (v) 咽下 / 吸取
I ingested too much alcohol, I need to sleep

snack (n) 小吃
they like to eat snacks

stray (n/adj)  dogs or cats living on the street 流浪的
they like to take care of stray cats

outlook (n) appearance
they like the outlook of husky

husky (n)  哈士奇
My husky made me hungry when it chewed on my shoes

golden retriever (n) 金毛
I like golden retrievers

cabin (n) 座舱
people sit in the cabin

overhead compartment (n) compartment over your head in a plane
We put the luggage in the overhead compartment

transporter (n) a person or company that moves things
I found a transporter

to walk (v)
Tom walks his dog every morning

life expectancy (n) how long one can expect live
The life expectancy in SH is about 80

vet / veterinarian (n)  animal doctor
I went to the vet

to grind (v) 磨碎
They have to grind their teeth

branch (n) 树枝
The squirrel is on a branch

molar (n)臼齿
I use my molars to chew

shopaholic (n) someone who loves to shop
I am a shopaholic


