Online Class Notes (Tibo)


read the pdf about active / passive voice

Speaking exercise

many domestic cats are afraid but Winter is not afraid of the strange environment and is curious about new things

I take her to the park or other entertainments.

She will not fearful about small dogs / small dogs don’t scare her

I bought her from from a cat house when she was 2m old

facebook set up this project to search something about the metaverse.
I think there are advantages and disadvantages.
It is a good entrance to enhance people’s sense of participation if someone has to participate by remove participation….

it cannot be compelling enough to replace real life.

maybe they can create more useful products for users but it exists some risks.
A visual world may cause addiction for some teenagers if those people aren’t able to extract themselves from the visual world.
It can mimic the real world
In a long time it may change our behavior.

I am always fear if someone engages in a field for a long time they don’t care other things …
I don’t know if it is a sound way for us to live.
this hurts my body It hurts my spine and sometimes I don’t have enough patience to communicate with others.
and I am easy to be angry.

I do this in a small circle. Not everyone knows my interest about music.

she leaves home and doesn’t tell me. I. have afraid one day she is lost.

I am worried she will remember this action and hate me.
there is an app that let’s you track your cat

This is a nation experienced too much difficulties in the last few years.
The local people and Taliban are very pitiful. They have to fight with the American army and the Taliban.

for the local it just changes the controller and their hardship may not pass..
the president has escaped

She stays in a luxurious mansion.

The war and peace may be a global problem.


many domestic cats are afraid but Winter is not afraid of the strange environment / unknown and is curious about new things

I take her to the park or other entertainments / public spots 

She will not be fearful about small dogs -> small dogs don’t scare her

I bought her from from a cat house when she was 2m old

facebook set up this project to search something about the metaverse. / to develop something about the meta verse / to turn the meta verse into reality 
I think there are advantages and disadvantages. / pros and cons
It is a good entrance to enhance people’s sense of participation/attendance if someone has to join remotely / if people work remotely 

it cannot be compelling enough to replace real life.

maybe they can create more useful products for users but it exists some risks. -> some risks exist / there are some risks 
A visual world may cause addiction for some teenagers if those people aren’t able to extract themselves from the visual world. / if people don’t make the difference anymore between the real and the virtual world it could create issues…
It can mimic the real world
In a long time / over a long time it may change our behavior.  / long term it may change the way we behave

I am always fearful if someone engages in a field for a long time they don’t care other things …  -> I worry about people getting deep into a field and starting to neglect their own life
I don’t know if it is a sound way for us to live.

this hurts my body It hurts my spine / it strains my spine and sometimes I don’t have enough patience to communicate with others.
and I am easy to be angry. -> I get angry easily / I have a short term

I do this in a small circle. Not everyone knows my interest about music.

she leaves home and doesn’t tell me.  / sometimes she goes out without me know.
I have afraid one day she is lost. -> I am afraid she may get lost one day

I am worried she will remember this action and hate me. / I am worried she would blame me for injecting her with a chip

there is an app that let’s you track your cat

Maybe I am just the average person. They spend 20 years to control a nation and invest 20 billions to build their army…
I don’t know if it is worth it

it may be a more bad thing -> it may be a worse thing

she has to marriage with a muslim -> she has to get married with a muslim.


Middle East (n) 中东
The Middle East is quite unstable

Israel (n) 以色列
He went to Israel

Afghanistan (n) 阿富汗
The Taliban took control of Afghanistan

Sharia law (n) 伊斯兰教教法
The Taliban follow the Sharia law

have a short temper : get angry easily
I have a short temper when I am tired

throw a temper (v) get angry
Tom threw a temper because I refused to buy a toy for him

leash (n) 牵狗带
I use the leash to walk. my cat

to keep [somebody] on a short or tight leash; 严格限制某人
My boss keeps us on a tight leash since the mistake we made last year

collar (n)项圈
I bought a dog collar

