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correct the speaking

Speaking exercise

Inspiration is the most important part when you start the project.

it is like you deconstruct something and learn from it

I think the art process is you deconstruct something and then construct something into a conceptual practice.
First you must have an idea and something must inspire you.

Inspiration is the most important thing before you have ideas.
my personal inspiration from the research. Sometimes it comes from the daily life. Something like today. I saw a beautiful picture or the news.
Especially social news

for the artists, maybe natural things and daily life. I think every beautiful thing you can find inspiration from. From me personally I want to training myself to got the inspiration much more professional or scientific and I can use a methodology

it is an example recently I see

it is the most brilliant example I see

in my opinion AI is still at the time to learn a lot from the data and under human control / demand

we could change the angle to this problem. We use the human central angle to understand and to definite what kind of thing a machine can do.
in this thinking machines can use us like a tool but if we change the subject from people to machine I think could see some difference.

AI must can do something instead a human cannot do.
Like bioengineering combine with AI and interaction design. We put the AI technology to make the clothes or copy the style faster.

for examples our clothes is our second skin so maybe we can do something to let the clothes grow by themselves.

the people need a push to discover a new path

the thing we are doing now is bringing relay, I have some ideas ad push to you and get your mind and idea back

the media to relay information to the audience or viewer. It is the relationship between the viewer and the media. Like the Chef and the customer I know what kind of thing you like

It is not everything homogenize. and the chef also wanted to cook the taste you like and combine with food and learn you experience like your smelling/tasting to make you a whole experience much more difference or distinct.

I think maybe in the future I believe the AI could and should be part of director or producer because I think especially during the director or producer some part of work could be used the AI assistant but something like the basic story we can use AI to finish that but the difference between Hunan and AI is human maybe much more special experience and sensor to learn the machine. The input sensor only has the data and speaker and microphone but the people senses much special than the machine.

you said the business perspective and I think the company needs to balance the cost. If the AI cost is higher than humans then we must not use the AI.
In my apartment I use the sound system to control the light / voice assistant / smart home system . sometimes it is very stupid because a lot of company of companies put a lot of investment into these systems but still very stupid. But I read a report before it shows 10 years after the after sale service  / hotline 

AI will replace these kind of people after 10 years.


commercially viable (adj) : worth it considering cost vs profit
using AI as a director is not commercially viable yet

GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer)
GPT-3 is quite impressive

after sale service (n) : service provided after you buy a product
The after sale service has been outsourced to India for most companies

internet celebrity / internet influencer (n) 网红
He listens to internet celebrities

relay  (n) transmission
We need to relay this idea

social journalism (n) : the practice of journalism from people who are not trained as journalists
social journalism gives a direct perspective compared to traditional media

voice assistant (n) : Siri / Alexa / etc.
The voice assistants are not smart enough yet

recommendation algorithm (n) : system that guesses your taste and gives recommendation
Most music streaming platforms have a strong recommendation algorithm

to control (v) have authority
humans control the AI for now

to demand (v) ask something with force
The police demanded that we released data about the criminal