Online Class Notes (JJ)


therapist: 心理咨询师

to hypnotize someone: 催眠

hypnosis: 催眠 n.

unconscious: 没有意识的

privileged: 有优势的,条件好的

home appliance: 家用电器

family owned business: 家族企业

highly educated people: 受过高等教育的人

people who have received higher education

I’m a naturally + adjective + person: 我本质是一个 ______的人。

Ex: I’m a naturally lazy person.

Speaking exercise

one to one —> one-on-one

I have different thinking —> I have a different way of thinking/I think different/I have a different thought

about three years ago, this couldn’t happen in Shanghai —> about three years ago, this was not the case/this didn’t happen

there are new trends and changes in the city

they have to face high education people —> they have to face the competition against highly educated people

I am easy anxious people —> I can easily get anxious/I’m a naturally anxious person.


therapist: (th)赛-rap-pist


Write a sentence using each of the words we learned today in the vocabulary section.