Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

I travelled to 3 places

I have already familiar with a sense if have any target I can directly do it, it is a happy thing -> I am familiar with it and If I have a target I can directly do it / achieve it / reach it.

I am catching up on the time lost in the past 3 years

We build a daily vocabulary learning mode. / I have chatGPT session/tab/chat to learn vocabulary everyday.

I gave it this prompt / the following instructions:  When I search for words you must mark them as new words.
If I type review you should help me list the words I gave to you during the whole day and list below the meaning, a sentence, a synonym and an antonym.
Third if I type review you should design a test for me to help me make sure / ensure I remember those words. It gave me a multiple choice test. / multiple choice questionnaire
I tried for the past 5 days it seems fine and it can continue to do it automatically  / it is quite seamless

This session is like a micro program for me.
Only one thing is not perfect it is the speaking because it is text based. / I only regret that it cannot speak / only a speaking function is missing to make it perfect.
I will try to use the plugins 

This time we travelled there as a group of 3 girls
We met each other 10 years before / 10 years ago

They fought during the trip , that was very uncomfortable.

after one night everything become totally fine -> went back to normal  

I used my notebook to draw a line when I was taking the high speed train.
I was looking through / looking outside the window and saw mountains so I did a fast/quick sketch. I did that to keep myself myself busy / to escape the situation.
After the drawing I wanted to turn it into a t-shirt print

I used some expired film

I try to make the memory longer than the trip itself / I try to prolong the memory. I try to extend the experience.

at the past -> in the past I did

it feels like a stranger now / I almost don’t remember how to do it anymore


rotten (adj) having rot / developing black spots
The banana was rotten

expired (adj) not suitable for consumption
I took some expired medicine because I could’t buy any during the pandemic

expiry date (n) date after which something should not be consumed
The expiry data is written at the bottom

obsolescence (n) when a technology or product is too old and not used / support anymore  / outdatedness

obsolete (adj) too old
the cd-rom technology is obsolete

planned obsolescence (n) the idea that company would plan for products to break so that consumers have to replace them

deserted (adj) place which people have left
It is a deserted area

session (n) box in a chat / time between the time you start and stop
I have many sessions in the app

to develop film (n)
After developing the roll of film

to prolong (v) make longer
I try to prolong the experience

multiple choice question (n)
I had to check the answers in a multiple choice questionnaire

to catch up (v) bring oneself up to date with someone or something
I had to catch up on the lost time