Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

Maybe this week end the gym will open so I plan to go to the gym.

I think AI will be used more and more in the future / AI will be more popular in the future.

In my life AI will be used in the company or in the tech companies. / AI will be used for work / Ai will be used to improve productivity.

Before I die the AI will only be used in tech companies.  / I probably won’t get to see AI robots just like us.

I hope I can see real self driving cars in my lifetime 

But normal people will not use the very powerful AI in their life. / normal people will only use a simpler AI.

Now I know some people use AI like toys / pets and it can make conversation with a child or control all the electric appliances at home or they will be used in electric cars but it is not very advanced / it is also used in cars but it is still very limited.

Some AIs can help you work / some AIs can increase your productivity or teach you more knowledge.
Some tech companies want to make AI similar to people / they try to give AI emotions.
They want the AI can have some thoughts.
I guess some labs will try to do this

It is very normal and easy and simple AI we use for normal people. -> Normal people will only use easy and simple AIs.

Painters I am not sure they have some art I don’t know how to understand the art but it is not replaced because the painter. -> For painters I am not sure, I don’t really understand art / I am not too familiar with art.

instagram has an AI photo enhancer

People and AI can paint or draw different pictures but I think they can replace the writers.

If you tell the AI some rules / if you indicate some rules to the AI like how to use characters or the main story I think the AI will write some fantastic stories like this.
AIs can study and find details from the writers and copy these to write good things. / it can copy the style of the writer.

I think everyone can use simple AIs like Siri, everyone can use them and Siri can answer you.

me neither but I know people from those companies.
Most people use them to control the lights in the house. / most people use smart home systems

I know a lot of friends they really like to use this smart home system / feature.
Every morning they ask what the weather is.

my friend bought a doll for his daughter, it looks like a little baby and it can answer you.
I am scared of dolls.

2 weeks ago my friend bought a new car, and this car doesn’t have auto driving functions but if you open the door it will say hello but it can’t do any smart things.
it cannot drive by itself, it can only say hello when you open the door.

It won’t happen in my lifetime.
I think AI will have some emotions in the future.
Some people will live together with their AI or have a relationship with their AIs.

I think one day the AI will control people, people will be the slaves of the AIs. Because they are very smart and fast and they will get sick / old / sleep.

If the AI is not very expensive all the companies will choose to use it instead of employees.
When I was a child our bus in the city had someone only for selling tickets in the bus and now when I use the coin they only have one one machine. We can use the coins or the phone and there is just the driver.


realistic (adj)逼真的
The doll is very realistic, it looks like a real baby

to upgrade (v) move to a better version 改进/升级版
I upgraded my old iphone to the new iphone

voice recognition (n) being able to understand voice messages
Siri has a voice recognition system

voice assistant (n)
Siri is a voice assistant

influencer (n) 网红
There are some AI influencers

sentient (adj) 有感觉能力的
Some people are trying to create sentient AIs.

appliance (n) 器具
I moved to a new home and I need to buy a lot of appliances

productivity (n) 生产率
We need to increase the factory productivity to produce more masks

productive (adj)
I didn’t sleep well yesterday and was not productive at work today

smart home (n) being able to control your house
Xiaomi has a smart home assistant

to replace (v) ) 放回/取代
I replaced my computer with a faster one because it was getting too old

in one’s lifetime : while one is alive
Tom didn’t get to see computers in his lifetime, they were invented 20 years after he passed.


