Online Class Notes (Nemo)


hobby (n): an activity that someone does for pleasure when they are not working
Angela’s hobby is restoring vintage motorcycles.

team (n): a number of people or animals who do something together as a group
a basketball/hockey/netball team
a team of investigators
Team GB (= the athletes representing Great Britain in a sport)

Kun My hobbies are football and running really fast

Xin: I like to dance and sing

How old were you when you started playing football?

I was 6 when I started playing football

I was seven when I started dancing

how often do you play football? 你多久踢一次足球?

Kun: I play football once a week

how often do you dance? 你多久跳舞一次?

I dance once a week

who do you play football with? 你和谁踢足球?

I play it with my friends

Who do you dance with? 你和谁跳舞?

I dance with my friend

I dance with my dance partner. 我和我的舞伴跳舞。

You don’t like to dance ballet, but you should try watching ballet