Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

In SH if this building has covid cases , the government closes the building.
They only close the building where they find sick people

Xuhui is very serious.
First problem is in Huating hotel.
It is a very new case.
SZ doesn’t help Hongkongese to come back to SZ

Last week, starting from March everyday hongkongese arrived in SH.

Those are Chinese people living in HK so we can’t stop them from coming back 
It is a very old hotel. They used the AC and many people were infected
People in SZ can go by bus to HK.

The first problem is because of the war between Russia and Ukraine the Russian air space is closed

If you have a visa you are ok

The community is closed / the community is under lockdown

it depends, sometimes it is 2 days / 7 days or 14 days.

places where they check are safer

I think the dangerous places are very safe because they check carefully.
All the sick people are vaccinated people


vaccine (n) ç–«è‹—
Now we have to get the 3rd vaccine

vaccinated  (adj) 打过疫苗的
Tom is vaccinated but he still got Covid

lockdown (n) quarantine / unable to enter or leave
The community is under lockdown

air space (n)空域
The Russia air space is closed to Western airlines

Russia (n) 🇷🇺

Ukraine (n) 🇺🇦

dangerous (adj) å±é™©
Xuhui is dangerous at the moment

LGBT (n) lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered.
The rainbow flag is a LGBT symbol

symbol (n) è±¡å¾ /符å·
a cross is the symbol of a hospital

rainbow (n) 彩虹🌈
I took a picture of a rainbow

visa (n) ç­¾è¯
He needs a visa to travel to China

Air Conditioner (AC) 空调
He turned on the AC.

district (n) 区
I work in Changning district

sick (adj) ill
Tom is sick so he didn’t go to work today

briefly (adv) for a short time
The rain stopped briefly and then it restarted and it rained the whole day.
I always stay home and walk outside briefly

brief (adj) a short time
We had a brief meeting, it only lasted 5 minutes
We had a brief talk about the HW

brief (n) ä»»åŠ¡ä»‹ç» / instruction to prepare for a task
designer’s brief设计师细则
to stick to a briefåšåˆ†å†…事
We had a meeting to discuss the brief with the customer

to discuss (v) talk about / talk over
I discussed with my buss about the project

Writing exercise

Recently In Shanghai, The Omicron is really here. There are new cases every day, Briefly When you go to work in the morning and then you don’t know could you go home in the evening? The government will close the communityã€schoolã€hospitalã€office buildingã€store at any time. Obviously, everyone’s life has become more cautious. We are going to get through this.

Recently in Shanghai, (The) Omicron is really here. There are new cases every day.

When you go to work in the morning,  you don’t know if you can go home in the evening?

The government will close / lockdown/ quarantine the communitiesã€schoolsã€hospitalsã€office buildingsã€stores at any time. Obviously, everyone’s life has become more cautious. We are going to get through this.