Online Class Notes (Ally)

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go over today’s speaking notes


conspiracy theories: 阴谋论

ripped off: tricked into buying something expensive

definitive: final, able to make decision based on this

autonomy: 自治; 自治权; 自主; 自主权

lay-off (v): 裁员
ie. A lot of employees in HK V got laid off.
ie. HK V laid off a lot of its employees.
ie. A lot of employees were let go.

meddle: 多管闲事; 干涉; 干预; 管闲事; 瞎搞,乱弄(尤指不应管或不懂的事物);
ie. You have no right to meddle in my affairs.

intervene: 介入
ie. V Italy has the right to intervene.

intermittent:断断续续的; 间歇的

union:协会; 联合会; 会社; 俱乐部; 同盟; 联盟; 联邦; (尤指内战时期的)美利坚合众国,美国; 联合; 结为夫妻;

go on strike: 罢工

protest:(v and n) 抗议

feat: 壮举; 技艺; 功绩; 武艺; 英勇事迹 accomplishment
ie. a significant feat


the connection is down

I just lost you there – I didn’t hear you

Speaking exercise

One of the buildings in my neighborhood was closed off, the others are still fine

up your nose
down your throat

once they find their test result is abnormal.
once they find something abnormal about their test result.

all the luxury brands offered their staff live in a 5-star hotel when they have business trip

when I have the business trips, the admin people will book the Conrad

I’m not in this department which had to have business trip

HK still manage other country and regions

the aiming market is japan

I will share you the video after class
I will share the video to you/with you

we can control the orders can be delivered to the stores on time

the tw people got the products cost 100 yuan