Online Class Notes (Tibo)

Speaking exercise

they are trying to build a mining farm / factory in the US

we transfer from web 2 – web3  -> the market will evolve from web 2 to web 3 / the market will shift from web2 to web3

He preferred shift, he feels it is not that easy to understand the meaning of the other.

from 2020 till 2021 there was a lot of uncertainty because the pandemic comes out. -> because of the pandemic  / because of the outbreak 

They don’t have any idea about the worst case scenario  and figured we have to print money to help the economy.

we already know what the worst case of the situation -> We already know the worst case scenario / we have avoided the worst case scenario

they may understand what the real policy will be -> after the government tests the market it can realize what the best policy is / it can adjust the policy 

If I want to increase one point the market. -> if they increase the interest rate by 1 point

people sell before the spring festival to secure their gains  / to lock in their gains. / take profit / realize profit 

the tapering affects the global market momentum.

if you are providing exchange service it is illegal.
you are free to hold the assets.

It was not the official one. His friend did this project using his name / using his fame.

It is a hard decision to make because if OS is trying to do an IPO they gain a lot of capital gains / they can raise a lot of capital from the traditional market. The size is much bigger than the crypto world.

Another one is in the long run we predict that the crypto world will grow 100x.
They may do the IPO first and eventually they still can issue a token. It is a different narrative.
The IPO belongs to the stock market so shareholders will benefit from holding the stock.
The token holders will get management rights.
They divide the power into 2 directions.

for the management side it will take 5 years to totally decentralize.
It takes time.
The token should be distributed well and the infrastructure mature.
In that case the value will increase. / it will appreciate
UNI token holders only have 25% of the supply so they don’t have enough voting power.

For token listing it is much easier, you can list before the product is fully developed.

the better case is you already have a working product then I can identify if it works or not.
But sometimes big projects take 3/5 years and I don’t invest in you at an early stage.

This token I think is useless/valueless/  you airdrop OS users but that means nothing.
They are trying to capture the hype. They are trying to take advantage but opensea never benefits from opendao.

the token value is backed by assets. / asset backed.


use by to talk about a difference
The price increased by 10%

use to to talk about a result
the price of BTC increased by 5% to 41K


initial investment/ principal (n) what you invest at the beginning when you enter a position
His position gave him a 5x, he took his initial investment out and decided to keep the rest long term

retail investors (n) normal people investing as opposed to institutions
Retail investors like DOGE.

narrow minded (adj) opposite of open minded
If you are too narrow minded you can’t make money

you don’t need to be a rocket scientist / it is not rocket science : something is not very difficult
Trading is not rocket science you can use things like support and resistance

stubborn (n) not wanting to change ideas
Tom is very stubborn

avatar (n) profile picture
He uses a punk as an avatar

shortcoming / weakness (n)
understand your shortcomings

human nature (n)
If you understand human nature you can win in the market

vampire attack (n) attack to gain users from another competitor / protocol
Looks is a vampire attack against Open Sea

to gain traction = to gain (initial) momentum
they used his fame to gain traction

traction (n) action from pulling
The traction of the car was not enough to pull the trailer

to range (v) to move between two limits
The price of BTC has been ranging between 40K to 42K

to clash  (v/n) get into an argument / conflict
I clashed with my boss

to collapse (v) go down quickly
The market collapse on the news of tapering

(treasury) bonds  (n) government issued debt
The government issued bonds

to taper (v) slowing asset purchase / reversal in QE
The FED has to taper to limit inflation

jargon (n) specific word only understood in one industry
the crypto jargon is difficult

worst case scenario (n)
We want to avoid the worst case scenario

best case scenario (n)
The best case scenario would be to do an IPO

scenarist (n) screenwriter  / scriptwriter
The scenarist wrote the script for the movie

etymology (n) the study of origin of words
I like to remember words based on their etymology

