Online Class Notes (Sam)


heavy rain / raining heavily = pouring

pouring (heavy rain) < > sprinkling (light rain)

sprinkle (verb) = put a little bit of salt/sugar on food
sprinkler = a device to put water on a garden/field

rude < > polite

peeing / pissing

pouring / it is pissing it down  / “its raining cats and dogs”

a myth (n) / mythology (n) / mythological (adj) = very very old story

you can reduce everything to their base elements

crippled / paralyzed = cant move/cant make progress (瘫痪的)

to help someone who I am destined to meet/help

she had a wide variety of experience

“beat around the bush” = avoid answering a question
eg. i asked her a question, but she didnt answer directly, she just beat around the bush for a while


i invited my another colleague

i invited one of my other colleagues = you have many colleagues, and you invited ONE

i invited my other colleague = you have just one colleague (you and the colleague are the only employees)