Online Class Notes (Sam)


the water went down the wrong way/pipe = when food or drink makes you cough

time flew by = time went very quick
eg. I had so much fun today, the time really flew by!

trolley = a platform for transporting goods (not children)
pram = baby trolley
stroller = trolley for older kids

i seldom drink (“seldom” is correct, but not common. Too formal and old english)
i rarely drink / i dont drink often

acid / acidic (adjective)   < > alkaline = a way to measure the PH level of food/liquid

bloated = stomach feels like a balloon (gets bigger)

carbs / carbohydrates (eg. rice, bread, pasta, noodles)

foodie (noun) / food enthusiast – someone who really loves food
eg. my friend is a foodie

a nuisance (noun) = annoying thing

bidet = washing device for toilets


the 4 of us went to dinner”

almost all people have that


bidet =  “bi-day”