Online Class Notes (Olivia)




double-sided sword –

coins – two sides  – every coin has two sides

silver-lining – the silver lining of … is …., look on the bright side

– the weather is cold and snowy outside, but the silver lining is that we could build a snowman

passable – workable – acceptable

resourceful adj. someone – resourceful



OT compensation



trade- off

– It is a trade off to choose between a high-paying job or a job with WLB.

resumes – CVs

scarce adj.

rare, valuable, sometimes not replicable

Promotion is very scarce at this company,

It is scarce for someone to provide emotional value while looking so hot.

layoff, n/v.

n. There was a massive layoff across all auto sectors in China.

v. Jack was laid off a month ago.

sack v. Sacking of employees sometimes is a cost saving method.

rigid/fixed/ – org. structure

rigid – no flexibility


spread oneself thin- I think I spread myself very thin, I have no time to call my parents.

cut some slacks –


benefit – beneficial adj. – Learning English is beneficial

interests – We share the same interests/ We have different points of interests – conflicted interests.

Speaking exercise

talk about your work environment: (good things)

  1. good salary and benefits – (compensation) – rewarding,
  2. colleagues – not overly competitive/aggressive/co-creating/supporting each other
  3. my leader – good person (negative conotation)- helping to develop our ability – help us with resources/resourceful/career path

talk about things you’d like to see getting improved at work/opportunities:

  1. working hours- long – 10am-10pm/11, weekend occupied, I would like to optimize my work schedule and have more personal time – lack of work-life balance – hard to measure your work outcome, and it is hard to quantify your work.
  2. project topic is lacking value – as think tanks, we are given topics to work on, especially compared to the previous job, which was more valued and impactful.
  3. tasks that are hard to execute, hard to meet leaders’ request.

trends of the younger work force:

  1. choose to work at SOC for stability, with less pay
  2. internet companies – higher salary, but very competitive, outstanding resumes
  3. unemployment rate – has been risen recently

how to improve productivity at work/how do you manage your work schedules effectively:

  1. communication with partners/leaders to clarify targets/requests/align key stakeholders, to generate value, status check real-time
  2. target breakdown into executable actions, to smaller quantifiable/measurable steps
  3. when approaching DDL or complex tasks were give, I will plan out a to-do list/schedule table

Next Class Focus


/ae/ and /o/ apple, bad

/e/ or /ei/ bed, eight bait

/ai/ or /i/ hire (ai), I, hair