Online Class Notes (Nemo)


I like football. I play with my friends during break time. We try to kick the ball into the goal.

I’m not very good yet, but I’m learning. I practice with my dad in the park. He shows me how to kick the ball straight and run fast.

My favorite team is Manchester United. I have a shirt with their name on it. I like to wear it and pretend I’m playing for them.

Football is fun because I get to run around and be active. I also like being part of a team and working together to win.


how does he feel when he plays football?
he feels happy and he is having fun

this is very fun-这很好玩

kick the ball-踢那个球
曼联-Manchester United

football TEAM足球队

He is practicing with his father.
practice with-练习

你在上课前做了什么?what did you do before the class?
Before the class I played with my friend and eat the ice cream with my friend

I ate a milk ice cream

What will you do after the class?
After the class I will eat ice cream again