Online Class Notes (Nemo)


cold sore (n): a painful, red swelling, especially on the lips or nose, that is caused by a virus
herpes labial , boquera

canker (n): a disease affecting the ears and mouth of animals and humans
cancro, chancro

they were supposed to choose the winner by the 28th

tune in (v): to watch or listen to a particular TV or radio station or program
Millions of viewers tuned in to watch the finals.
Millones de espectadores sintonizaron para ver las finales.

take part in
to be one of a group of people doing something, to take an active share in (eg playing a game, performing a play, holding a discussion etc)
tomar parte en, participar en
He never took part in arguments.

glow (v): to produce a continuous light and sometimes heat
A nightlight glowed dimly in the corner of the children’s bedroom.
This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.

missionary (n): a person who has been sent to a foreign country to teach their religion to the people who live there
misionero, misionera
He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.
Hizo obra misionera para la Iglesia Presbiteriana en Alaska.

crumble (v): to gradually fall apart
The city’s bridges are crumbling.
Los puentes de la ciudad se están derrumbando.

a crumbling tower-una torre que se derrumba

steep (adj): (of a slope) rising or falling at a sharp angle
a steep slope
It’s a steep climb to the top of the mountain, but the view is worth it.
The castle is set on a steep hill/hillside.