Online Class Notes (Mike)


bubble tea (n) 珍珠奶茶

bubble (n) 泡泡

take a nap (v) 午睡,短暂休息一会
I usually take a nap after lunch.

appetite (n) 食欲,胃口
I have a big appetite.

chicken pox (n) 水痘
I had chicken pox when I was 9.

discharge  (v) to be released, to be let out 释放,放电,排出,清除
to be discharged from the hospital. 出院
I will be discharged from HS hospital next week.

recover (v) 康复,恢复,复原.  – recovery (n) 康复过程
recover from a disease.
I had had a cold 3 days ago, but now I don’t recover. 
I have been having a cold for 3 days, and I have not recovered from it yet.
How is your recovery?

control (v) 控制
I can not control myself.

once in a while 偶尔


I played basketball for an hour yesterday.

Speaking exercise

健康和习惯(Health and Habits) 

I don’t like to eat cola and milk tea.
I don’t like to have/drink cola and milk tea.

I like to sleep at noon.
I like to take a nap around noon.

Everyday I like to play basketball before I have a nap.
I like to play basketball for 3o minutes everyday before taking a nap.

I like to play iPad an hour 8pm to 9pm.
I like to play iPad from 8pm to 9pm. 

I have a cold. I had not only a headache, but also a fever. I don’t have any appetite.
I have a cold. Not only does my head hurts, but also I have a high fever. I have also lost my appetite.

What time do you go out the hospital?
When will you be discharged from the hospital? 你什么时候出院

What did you want to play or eat?
What do you want to play/eat?
Is there anything you want to eat/play? I can bring it to you next time.
if you need anything, just let me know/just tell me.

I want you to recover soon.
I hope you will recover soon.  我希望你很快康复。

You must be drink much water,
You should drink water more often/frequently. 更频繁地

But it isn’t good for my body.
But it is bad for my health.

It’s okay to eat junk food once in a while.

I want to lose weight. 减肥

You must be eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.
You should eat more fruit and vegetables.

You must control yourself, otherwise, your study will fall behind. 落后,掉下,跟不上

You should spend some time with your family and friends as well.

You can do something with me this weekend.
I play basketball everyday, would you like to join me?