Online Class Notes (Li)


deny – don’t admit to sth

ex. There are many rumors about how long we will be locked for, but they have all been denied.

ex. They denied having a relationship.

to fall behind on plans – to fail to do something as quickly as planned or required

ex. Due to COVID, we’re falling behind with work.

stock up – to buy large quantities of sth

ex. I should have stocked up on more food.

life is tough – difficult


mid + date – middle of

Speaking exercise

We don’t got any meat. But we got twice the package.

We don’t have any meat. But we have received the food packages twice already.

Touch him to the police

Take him to the police 

Arrest him

My friend’s wedding, the date is middle of June.

My friend’s wedding is in mid-June.

I don’t like to buy a lot of food in my apartment.

I’m not a big fan of stocking up on food in my apartment.

Company arrange them to stay at hotel.

The company arranged for them to stay in a hotel.