Online Class Notes (Mike)


make 3 sentences with “(not ) as + adj. + as ”


to be/get familiar with sth
familiarize (v)
familiarize oneself with sth
I will familiarize myself with those files before May.

be sick of sth
I have been eating eggs for breakfast in the last month, I am so sick of it.

savings (n) 储蓄,存款

The Great Wall

The Forbidden Palace

conflicting (adj.) 有冲突的

occasionally (adv.) 偶尔地

frequent (adj.) 频繁的




Speaking exercise

I went to the other places.
I have been to other places.

Because it’s near the Chongqing.
Because it’s near Chongqing.

I just sometimes to drink beer.
I drink beer occasionally.

I will not participate in these activities as much as I take.
I will not go to these kind of events as much as I used to.

I am not making as much money as I used to.

I went to bar as much time as before.
I am not going to bars as frequent as before.

as + adj + as