Online Class Notes (Mike)





目前支持独立通信的智能手表续航大多不长,然而vivo WATCH 2在独立通信模式下依然拥有长达7天的续航表现,而在关闭独立续航功能后,vivo WATCH 2的续航能力更是达到14天,相当于每两个星期仅需充电一次。

Writing exercise


In last 5 years, China reached new and historic achievement of economical social development. Generally economics ran stably and economical structure kept optimizing, so GDP grew up to over 10 thousand billion CNY from less than 7 thousand billion CNY.

In the last 5 years, China reached new and historic achievements of economical and social/socio-economical development. Generally,  economics ran stably and economical structure kept optimizing. GDP grew up to over 100 trillion CNY from less than 7 thousand billion CNY.

Over the past five years, China has scored historic new achievements in economic and social development. The economy performed stably overall, and its structure was continuously improved. GDP increased from less than 70 trillion yuan to over 100 trillion yuan.


trillion 万亿

connecting words = conjunction 连词

jogging 慢跑

sedentary (adj.) 久坐的
The modern work environment/style is very sedentary.

sedan (n) 轿车,轿子

passive 被动的

appearance 外表

compound interest 复利

practitioner (n) 践行者

pessimistic (adj.) 悲观的


impulse buying 冲动消费

rational (adj.) 理性的

vague (adj.) 模糊的



Speaking exercise

skiing is costly

I want to dive deeper in the world of entertainment shows.

squeeze time 

I have healthy body.
I hope I can keep healthy.
I hope I don’t have major health issues.
I hope I can stay fit for the rest of my life.

I have my own house and car and enough money to live in my whole life.

in the end of 2020
At the end of 2020

over worked out
I went overboard on workout. 过度做…

FIRE  movement
Financially Independent and Retire Early

“lie flat”  躺平

track your expenditure

save money is hard to me
save money is hard for me

it is hard to do sth

for sb: 对…来说

the retirement age is … 退休年龄

house renting fee 
rent (n) 房租 ,租金

I cost 4,000 yuan on my food.
Food costs me 4, 000.
I spend 4,000 on food.

Sb cost 500 on sth
Sth costs $

I lost 3,000 yuan in 2 months.

delayed gratification 延时满足

house price
housing price 房价

the housing price has grew
the housing price has increased.