Online Class Notes (Mike)


What kind of model should a celebrity set for the public?


proofread (v) 校对

statutory (adj.) 法定的
statutory holiday 法定假日

versatile (adj.) 全能的,全才的,万用的
He is a versatile artist, he can sing, dance and also perform!

scandal (n) 丑闻

hierarchy (n) 等级制度,领导层

pyramid (n) 金字塔

self-actualization 自我实现

fine (n/v) 罚款
She was fined 1.6 billion

billion (n) 十亿
China’s population is 1.4 billion.

underpaid – overpaid

dilemma (n) 两难的困境

mainland China 大陆,内地

commit a felony 犯一项重罪

infidelity (n) (在感情里)不忠,失信,出轨

Speaking exercise

I didn’t nervous
I had a little nervous
I was nervous.

higher social position
higher social hierarchy
celebrities are on the top of social hierarchy.

Korean celebrities want to develop in China.
Korean celebrities want to have a career in China.

Do a good example for the public.
Set a good model/example for the public.

he didn’t influence the public
he didn’t have a negative impact on the public.

immoral: infidelity, lie, racist, sexist,
illegal: national security, drugs, avoid tax, drunk driving.