Online Class Notes (Mike)


knight (n) 骑士

survive (v) 生存,存活

edge (n) 边缘

leather (n) 皮革,皮草
leather shoes

sew (v) 缝纫 – saw

peg (v) 订,打桩,固定住

sell – sold

stitch (v/n ) 缝针,针脚

neat (adj.) 整洁,整齐,干净利落

it went on and on: 这样一直持续下去,以此类推

queen (n) 女王,皇后

king (n) 国王

as well = also 也
I will go as well.

Speaking exercise

There is a shoemaker and his wife are very poor. One day he go out and buy the leather then he make the shoes very nice. Because he sew the leather on the shoes.

A shoemaker and his wife were living on the edge of the woods. They were so poor that they had only enough leather to make one pair of shoes. One day he left the leather on the bench and the next morning, he found out that there was a pair of shoes already made. The shoes sold very well. So he bought leather for two pairs of shoes with that money. This time, they were sold quickly as well. 

So this went on and on. And he became rich. Even the Queen was wearing his shoes.


A shoemaker and his wife lived in a little house on the edge of the woods. They were very, very poor, and each day they grew poorer and poorer.

At last there was nothing left in the house but leather for one pair of shoes. “I will cut out this last pair of shoes,” the shoemaker said to his wife. “Tomorrow I will sew them and peg them.” So he cut out the leather and left it on his bench.

The next morning, he went into his shop to make the shoes. What did he see?

A pair of shoes all nicely made and ready to be sold. The stitches were so neat, and the shoes so well made that they were quickly sold.

With the money, the poor shoemaker bought leather for two pairs of shoes. Then he said to his wife, “I will cut out the leather for two pairs of shoes. Tomorrow I will sew them and peg them.”

So he cut out the leather for the shoes and left it on his bench. The next morning when he went into his shop to make the shoes, what did he find? Yes, there were two pairs of shoes already made.

The work was so well done that those shoes were also sold very quickly. With the money, the poor shoemaker bought enough leather for four pairs of shoes. Those he also cut out and left upon his bench.

The next morning, he found four pairs of beautiful shoes, all well made. And so it went on and on. Instead of being a very poor shoemaker, he became a very rich shoemaker.

His shoes were so well made that even the Queen herself wore them.


with: 用…
I made dinner with two tomatoes and three eggs.
I bought an iPad with my pocket money

pocket money 零花钱

so … that …

