Online Class Notes (Ally)


acronym: word made up of letter initials

plumbing:(建筑物的)管路系统; plumber (people)

infect: 传染 感染

disinfect: 消毒

sincerity: 真诚

deposit: 定金


geeks/bookworms: 书呆子

extra-curricular activities

psych yourself out: 自己吓自己

ivy league: 常春藤 Ivys
ie. They have their eyes set on the Ivys.

apocalyptic: 世界末日一样的

pessimistic: 悲观的

unrest: 动乱; 动荡; 骚动;
ie. A world of unrest

turbulent(adj): 骚乱的; 动荡的; 汹涌的; 混乱的; 动乱的; 骚动的; 猛烈的; 湍动的; 混乱而难以控制的 turbulence (n)
ie. turbulent times

hypocrite: 说一套做一套

feasible:  可行的

Speaking exercise

let me reply a msg from Steven
let me reply Steven/let me reply to this message

wait me a moment
wait a moment for me

edit for next class:

it has been said for 10 years

I will have no quality to buy the new house

his house sold at almost 10 mil

the home I want to buy

move there and move here
move around

the price of house may be falling down dramatically

in the future, edu is not as important as nowadays
in the future, edu will not be as important as it is nowadays

it is workable
it works