Online Class Notes (Mike)


Write about why you like Ken Follet?


post (v/n)
I barely post things on social media.

encourage (v)
My friend encouraged me to post more on Ins.

merge (v) to combine things (school, organization, company, river, road etc.) together.

switch (v)
I need to switch to the other account.
Tap this button two times to switch to another account.

complicated (adj.)
It can be complicated to create a bank account in China.

accelerate (v)
If you want to accelerate/speed up the process, then you need to do …..

chronological (adj.)
The story was not told in a chronological order. 

sequel (n) a published work (book, movie) that follows a previous work.
Star Wars and its sequels.

trilogy (n)

suspense (n)
Ken Follet is a master of suspense fiction.

page-turner (n)
It is a page-turner, I finished it in 2 days.

classic literature

dialect (n)
China has more than 100 dialects.

motivation (n)
I never had the motivation to study another language.

demotivate (v)
A cold environment can demotivate me easily.

waste (v)
Waste time/energy/food/money

polyglot (n) people who speak many languages.

neural system 
neuron (n)
My neurons are not as active as before.

spy: political
espionage (n)  both political and commercial
industrial/corporate espionage

Speaking exercise

my frequent teacher
My usual teacher

I want to show my photographs.
I wanted to show my photographs.

I spent 3 hours trying to create an account.

I don’t have any person to do that.
I didn’t have anyone to help me.

If you have some illness, you can die very easy.
If you have some other severe diseases, then it is more likely for you to die from Covid. 

You have to pay close attention to the story.

You need a teacher who explain you …
You need a teacher to explain to you …

When I was in college, I read some books by South American writers.

When you read two books at the same time.

She understand what I am trying to say. 

You need the teacher to correct you.

You read that book?
Have you read that book?