Online Class Notes (Ally)


nasal: 鼻子的

circulate: 循环

sound: stable, safe
ie. safe and sound

pragmatic: 实用的;讲求实效的;务实的


fade: sound, color, feeling … reduce gradually

abrupt stop: 突然停止

abrupt: 粗鲁;粗暴;突然的;突如其来的 生硬的

euphemism: 委婉语;委婉说法

SAR:  special administrative region

pier: 码头
ie. fisherman’s pier

dorms: 宿舍

dinner conversation: topics you talk about during dinner
ie. this is not dinner conversation.

political affiliation: which party you support


affliate:connected with or controlled by a group or organization


sip: 一口drink (use in the same way as “bite”)
ie. First sip

slurp: shoo~shoo

bitter: 苦

lukewarm: 温的

fever:发烧 (adj)feverish


Speaking exercise

the winter could be closed the room
so the cold air can circulate the room

a sound sleep

which subject we could use fade to describe?
which subjects could we use “fade” to describe?
for what kind of subjects do we use the word “fade”?

I have strong opposition to different opinions of people
I am strongly opposed/against (adj feeling/state) to

discuss dinner conversation about politics
make dinner conversation… (have = back and forth)

Writing exercise

Courage also called bravery. Look up courage in dictionary, which shows it is the choice and willingness to confront agony, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. My understanding of courage is when you face or are faced the physical or mental pain, you still can keep doing the right thing.

The courage you have can be small or big. Sometimes courage is as simple as getting up in the early morning. As a kid, I loved sleep in bed more than almost anything else, because sleep was a beautiful, simple pleasure to me. And I used sleep as an escape of the endless parents’ fighting. Until one day, I started getting up in 7. Then, there are 1 week, 1 month, and 1 year. I realized that I must open eyes, leave the warm bed and quilt to find my way out. It is far from big, but it is the first sign of courage to move ahead on my journey.