Online Class Notes (Mike)

Writing exercise

The forth of July is anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in America.
The summer of 1717, colonists were increasingly angry about they had fair treatment from government . During those time,the war was also taken place by colonist forces and Britain. Untill the forth of July, the government voted to aporoved the Declaration of Independence, and gave people some rights such as liberty . On the forth of July, people always stay with their family or friends to play sports, watch parade in the community or watch fire works in the dark sky.

The Fourth of July is the anniversary of the Declaration of Independence in America.
In the summer of 1717, colonists were increasingly angry about the unfair treatment they were getting from British government. During that time, the war was also taking place between colonist forces and Britain. Until the forth of July, the government voted to approve the Declaration of Independence, and gave people rights such as liberty. On the fourth of July, people always stay with their family or friends to play sports, watch parade in the community or watch fireworks bursting in the dark sky.

There are some specific nuritents in water which is good for us. Water take up an adult body about 50 percent to 70 percent,and if we have enough water, our body will get ride of waste through wrine and sweat. Instead, we can’t consume too much water from our body, it will cause kidney suffer, and then we will have headache,tiredness or other reactions.Meantime,you drink tea,coffee or fruit juice, and it also intake other nutrients or benefits to our body.

Water has some specific nutrients that are good for us. Water takes up 50 to 70 percent of an adult’s body weight, and if we have enough water, our body will get ride of waste through urine and sweat. Otherwise, our kidney will suffer, and then we will have headache, tiredness/fatigue or other reactions. In the meantime, when you drink tea, coffee or fruit juice, your body will take in other nutrients or benefits from those drinks/beverages. 

There are business distracts of a city are crowded with a lot of buildings which are filled with banks,corporation headquarters and agencies .Men and women who are called white collar enter into the building every morning and they don’t leave from office until evening. Many people want to promote their positions through learn some business courses , and they prefer to do some management positions.

There are many business districts in a city. They are crowded with a lot of buildings which are filled with banks, corporation headquarters and agencies. Men and women who are called white-collar workers enter into the building every morning and they don’t leave office until evening. Many people want to be promoted in their positions through learning business courses, and they prefer to be in a managerial position.


kidney failure (n) 肾衰竭

fatigue (n) 疲劳
(v) 疲劳
He is too fatigued to eat.

in the meantime = meanwhile

take in (v) 摄入

a matter of = a few