Online Class Notes (Michael C.)

Speaking exercise

Build some potentional for new clients / Development for potential clients

Have client increase their efficiency in their production / Raise the yield of the client’s output

Last have a lot of pitch / Previously pitched many times

From our both opinion / From both of our opinion

If our boss lose in this fight, we are not safe / If our leader fails his position, we’ll be left unstable

It’s not depend by yourself, its depend on the boss / All decisions are dependent upon our senior

I’m not so worried whether I have job or not / I’m not too worried being without a job

Have the masters’ degree of top university such as HKU / Hold a masters degree from a renowned University such as HKU

I want to move to brand this kind of experience / I would like to work for a company with an established brand name

Companies won’t have good employees, higher turnover and more expensive/ Companies will have less reliability on employees with labour costs now higher.

Man should take care more of the physical things/ Men should be responsible for the material element of the relationship (house, car and expenses)

We leave too long time / we haven’t seen each other for long time


Influence (v) – The capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself:

“the influence of television violence” · ”I was still under the influence of my parents” · ”their friends are having a bad influence on them”

Introvert (n) – Aperson who is predominantly focused on internal thoughts and feelings rather than on external things or social interaction, often characterized as being quiet or withdrawn. Compare with extrovert.

“introverts seek out and enjoy opportunities for reflection and solitude” · ”I’m an introvert and don’t like public speaking”

Emotional Quotient (n) – The level of a person’s emotional intelligence, often as represented by a score in a standardized test:

“her emotional quotient was below average”