Online Class Notes (Li)


class representative – ke dai biao

ex. I’m the class representative for history.

not into sth – not interested

ex. I’m not into superhero films.

alter – change

ex. alter character/genes/structure

altered human – needs to be changed by technology

mutant – born with the change in the genes

regenerate – grow after damage

ex. Lizards can regenerate their tails.

paranormal – supernatural events that cannot be explained scientifically


edit genes – change

Speaking exercise

I sent them some cards for teachers’ day.

When this boy was born he was very strong and he can carry things that are very heavy.

The boy was born with genes that allow him to grow bigger muscles and he can lift a lot more weights than kids his age.

They can use some technology to change the genes. They can change the genes to let their sons or daughters to be stronger. 

I think the second one is more likely as it’s more possible for the technology to create it.

I think the second one is more likely as it’s more possible for the technology to create/edit it.

I think the ghosts is not real

I think ghosts are not real

It’s impossible to know for sure if only one person is claiming that they can see it.