Online Class Notes (Li)


weave a web – to create

ex. A spider weaving its web.

colonise – to take control of an area and send people to live there

ex. The British Empire colonised most of Africa.

colony – the country that was colonised

empire – a group of countries controlled by one ruler

raid – to attack a place/group in a sudden and unexpected way

Speaking exercise

They do this kind of camp for many years.

They have been running this kind of camp for many years.

Britain had fought with the world and it became…. so they took a lot of artefacts that’s stolen.

The British Empire had colonised many countries in the past so they stole many artefacts from these colonised countries.

That country kill British

The solders of Benin killed British soldiers.

I think it’s hard to get back all the artefacts stolen by other people because they may sold to all over the world.

I think it’s hard to take back all these artefacts stolen by other people because they may have been sold to other parts of the world.

Chicken could be carrying the flu 

We just eat a little part of the animals and we just eat some kind of that part of the animals.

We only eat some parts of the animals.