Online Class Notes (Jesse) [30]

Needs more review

fish tank 

tank – something big that we put things inside

ATM – cash machine

crumbs – “krums”


Russia – “rush sha”



how dare you? – strong
how could you? – soft

he blames Teddy for eating the cake

he steals the parking space 

he stops his car in the parking space
he parks his car


take money out – withdraw money
put money in – deposit money

Speaking exercise

and / but / so / because / when / which / who / after that / following that / next 

MB eats all his breakfast and he wants to eat some cakes so he opens the closet which is in the kitchen. When he opens the box which has some cakes in it, he is very angry because there is only some crumbs. So he thinks Teddy eats the cake but he wants to eat some cakes too so he goes out to get / buy more cake. On the street a working man wants to parks his car but MB steals the parking space so the working man drives his car away. MB locks his car with his padlock and key and he goes into the cake shop.

MB eats all his breakfast and he wants to eat some cakes so he opens the closet which is in the kitchen. When he opens the box which has some cakes in it, he is very angry because there are only some crumbs. So he thinks Teddy eats the cake but he wants to eat some cakes too so he goes out to get / buy more cake. On the street a work man who is fat, wants to park his car but MB steals the parking space so the working man drives his car away. MB locks his car with his padlock which is small / which he always does and key and he goes into the cake shop where there are lots of cakes.