Online Class Notes (Li)


Is ecotourism good or bad?

Write one paragraph (6-8 sentences)


Common British phrases and slang 

I’m alright – fine

a quid – one pound

fiver – five pounds

tenner – tenner

20 quid – 20 pounds

half four – half past four

mate – friend

ex. Cheers, mate.

I’m knackered – I’m tired

cheeky -naughty/playful

bloody hot/adj – very

Fancy a cuppa? – Would you like a cup of tea?

I’m gutted – I’m disappointed

ecotourism – nature and wildlife tourism

sustainable – able to be continue over a period of time/causing little to no damage to the environment

ex. Is the business sustainable?

ex. Are fossil fuels a sustainable way of providing energy?

drug an animal – to give sth/sbd medicine

NGOs – non-governmental organisations

Speaking exercise

Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema, please?

Excuse me, could you tell me where the cinema is please?

Would you like to join me for dinner?

Disturb the local wild animals

To harm wildlife 

Make them be fully control

To have animals perform for your own benefit.

I think I have seen the video before online that someone had ridden an elephant and they want to try it to feel the sense by themselves.

I have seen a video before where someone had ridden an elephant and they said they wanted to try it to experience/to get the sense of riding an elephant.


People can observe the wild animals but the wild animals won’t be hurt or controlled.

People can observe wild animals from afar without hurting them.

The organisations helps both the wild animals and the local communities.

If we organise it properly, it is good. But, if we want to make money and didn’t see the animals then it is bad.

If we plan it properly and ensure that we don’t hurt wildlife and the local communities, then it is good. If we only care about making money/care about profiting, and don’t protect the animals then it is bad.