Online Class Notes (Li)


migration – when animals move from one place to another at different times of the year

a flock of geese – group

reassure – to make (someone) feel less afraid, upset, or doubtful

ex. The adults reassured us that we’d be fine on our own.

exactly – to say that sth is correct, accurate or complete

ex. They knew exactly what to do when their parents left.

final destination – where you’re going/where sth is being sent

coming after/chase sbd

ex. The eagle was coming after Lucy.

honk – when geese make a loud sound

ex. The geese honked together to scare the eagle away.

Speaking exercise

To take other geese to fly with it

To lead/direct other geese to fly with her 

The eagle is run after them.

The eagle comes after them.

When their father find the eagle

When their father spots the eagle

Lucy don’t look it

Lucy did not notice the eagle