Online Class Notes (Li)


close contact/n – a person who was near someone who got COVID

practice tests/papers – not the real one

exploit – to take advantage of someone’s often by underpaying them/getting them to do sth bad for you

fast fashion labels/brands

imperfections – not perfect (can be used to describe products)

unethical – not morally acceptable

low-skilled jobs – not needing a lot of skill to do

high heels – very tall shoes

Speaking exercise

The company need to design many clothes in short time so they began to use others for copy others design.

Companies need to design many clothes in a short time so their designers have to copy designs from other brands.

Poor working conditions 

After they make these clothes they can send to the customers and they don’t need to the company don’t need to check it and think about how to sell this clothes.

After they make these clothes, they will deliver to the customers and the company doesn’t need to check the quality of the clothes.

Some are very cheap clothes and they can accept the mistake.

Some are very cheap clothes and they can accept any imperfections.

It makes fast fashion more and more fashion.

It makes fast fashion more and more fashionable/popular.

Some people they wear a clothes once and they throw it away. I think this kind of behaviour is not good because it will pollute our environment and maybe make other people….

Some people they wear a piece of clothing once, then they throw it away. I think this kind of behaviour is not good because it will pollute our environment….

Fast fashion give chances for some young people. They can buy some cheap clothes and wear different clothes every day. To make themselves confident and beautiful every day.

Fast fashion gives young people the chance to try many cheap clothes. They can wear different clothes every day and it makes themselves more confident and beautiful every day.

The first thing I think about is the shoes need to be comfortable and easy to wear.

The first thing/criteria that I consider is comfort.