Online Class Notes (Jesse) [9]


itchy (adj) / scratch (v) / itch (v)
eg. I’m scratching my arm because it’s itchy / I’m itching myself because I’m itchy

ingrown hair

blood clotting – haematosis

blood thinners – medicine to make blood move more



toll plaza (big part) / booth (small part)

hopefully / with luck = sth you hope will happen
luckily = sth that happened which was luckily

if you get stopped for breath testing / drug testing 

you blow into the breathalyzer – the machine you blow in

the police don’t have the authority to elicit (gain) proof from you without your consent 


they can getting a lot of cheap stuff and selling – they can get a lot of cheap stuff and sell it in …

buying lots of cheap stuff and selling it is really common for them in Brazil

depending for how longdepending on how long 


ultra – culture

shocking / shocked
eg. it would be shocking to them / they would be shocked