Online Class Notes (Li)


cash in – put money into a bank account

ex. Fame went to the bank to cash in her first pay cheque.

make extra dough – make extra money

ex. She found a job that helped her make extra dough over summer.

independent – to be able to do things by yourself without the help/support from others

ex. It helps to learn to be independent from a young age.

resume – a document with your personal information that you need to apply for jobs

Speaking exercise

We use the sign language for many things.

We can use sign language for many situations.

Some deaf people can’t hear so they will use sign language to communicate.

One year by year

Year by year/Every year  

Some people can’t say and they will learn sign language for communicate.

Some people can’t speak/talk so they will learn sign language for communication.


coach – koa-ch

dough – doh