Online Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

Summer job reading


part-time job – a job that you do several hours a week

ex. When should people find a part-time job?

full-time job – a job that you do

school fees – money you pay to go to school

ex.School fees get more expensive every year.

ex. Some people work part time to pay for their university school fees.

volunteering – to offer your time to do sth for free/without getting paid

cash in money – to put money into your bank account

ex. Fame decided to go to the bank to cash in her first pay cheque.

waiter/waitress – people who take orders, bring meals to customers at the restaurant

interview – a conversation you have with someone and one person usually asks the other questions

ex. job interview

independent – to be able to do things by yourself without the help/support from others

ex. Fame decided to work part-time because it makes her feel independent.

Speaking exercise

The restaurant owner thinks they are very nice so they got a job.