Online Class Notes (Li)


agreement – when two people agree and share the same opinion

ex. Fox and Bear had an agreement to share the field.

crop – a plant or plant product grown by farmers

ex. an apple crop

sly – clever in a dishonest way

ex. Fox is sly and mean.

trick – to try to outsmart, lie to another to get what you want

ex. Don’t fall for his trick, he is a liar!

honest – a truthful and open person

ex. Be honest and tell me the truth.

argue – to say why you believe in sth/to try to get others to agree with your opinion

ex. She argued that children should not get homework.


lie to sbd

Speaking exercise

Bear just get the roots.

Bear only got the roots.

Bear learnt don’t share with the Fox again. And it will never trust Fox.

Bear learnt to not share with the Fox again, and it will never trust Fox again.

Some Fox is not good.

Some Foxes are not good.

Fox always clever and Bear and always will kind.

People like Fox are always clever while people like Bear will always be kind.